
Data Science and Python

 Python Object-Oriented Programming Like many languages, Python allows you to define classes that encapsulate data and the functions that operate on them. We’ll use them sometimes to make our code cleaner and simpler. It’s probably simplest to explain them by constructing a heavily annotated example. Here we’ll construct a class representing a “counting clicker,” the sort that is used at the door to track how many people have shown up for the “advanced topics in data science” meetup. It maintains a count, can be clicked to increment the count, allows you to read_count, and can be reset back to zero. (In real life one of these rolls over from 9999 to 0000, but we won’t bother with that.) To define a class, you use the class keyword and a PascalCase name: class CountingClicker:     """A class can/should have a docstring, just like a function""" A class contains zero or more member functions. By convention, each takes a first parameter, self, that refers to t...

Gym is One of it kind Improvement in Life

 This looks so simple so many people do not see gym complex engineering it is science and another level of observation to understand The simple word they take it for granted so, first of all, it will bring something out of you are self some kind of magical aura inside out which boost you are decision capability and make you some kind of power god who can work all day like some great man Osho said it will give you more energy boost you are mood mode, not another way around  you do not need the mood to do work instead work bring best thing out of you and keep going with that you not only make you are self a good person but a place where future good person live a good life

Artificial Intelligence

  It is Over Used Word in Many Movies Novels and fiction work but in In the end it something which can Collected data which We give them and On the Basis of that Find Path to Complete the data that all If you structure-specific type of data entry it never Can take those ideas to system simple as that if you know the actual command then only it will work otherwise it simple normal Machine Operate on Button Want More Click Link Below AI

Data Scientist and Analysis

  Look into it nothing new Just new Name to One old Job nothing else Look around who are those people in King time Look like some sort of clown in the film Turn out to be king of the nation same thing but in digital World the person can change everything don’t what is going on in the world because the data volume is simple to large You Can’t Understand it what you are thing making such Thing which you can’t Understand how it works in its core simply because it is not a simple working thing it is a story thing Want More Click Below DA

Robotics and Skills

  Android and Human Life What is The Future Can We Guess? The Future of Humanity is About and Always be Choice Now See This what happens now you don't need to choose why because everything which is not good to take care of itself by Robotics There is Number of a movie on this topic how it will affect you that is good about it they all show something which will take you are attention but how much that thing is really no one knows they all are creative writer which I  Like to believe I am also a creative writer but not that much famous or Make something which is Value so much now but who know future tech will be my one of the famous move which will change the world!! Click Below to Know More Robotics

Machine Learning

  This is a hot topic for so many Reason and time   What is this at the end of the day!   To Sleep, a Good night sleep   It is Nothing Yes    It is nothing But Something like If you Want to Explain some who don't much know about it as a  newbie in Tech World We are give a machine a brain which is, in my opinion, is the dumbest Idea I can think in mind Why? Question is Mine Look in This Way Why Not?  You want something smarter than you who will take decisions for you as a Parent and one Plus Which Never will be Old Do you Want this Or Something worse Who knows How to hack can Control you in Beyond imagination way you are building an eternal emperor? As Elon Musk also Don't like the Machine learning AI ideas With Begin with!! AI is Nothing But machine Learning Without Human Interaction More like Self Feedback Frist we see what we want and decided what will we want in the future and give a Algorithme to Satisfy that Condition ...